Solidarność – No Bread Without Freedom / Exhibit
Exhibit graciously made available by
the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago
Wystawa udostępniona dzięki uprzejmości
Konsulatu Generalnego RP w Chicago
“Solidarność – No Bread Without Freedom’ Exhibit
Solidarność (or Solidarity) emerged in Poland in 1980 as the first free, independent labor union in the so-called Eastern Bloc, i.e. the Soviet sphere of influence, which included the USSR and much of Central and Eastern Europe.
Solidarity, born as a workers’ union, soon transformed into one of the largest peaceful resistance movements in world history and became instrumental in toppling the communist government in Poland, inspiring those living behind the Iron Curtain to seek democratic change and paving the way for democracy in much of Central and Eastern Europe.
This is a brief history of Solidarity that sheds light on its most steadfast and unwavering allies in the United States – American civil society and its robust organizations – without whom the peaceful revolution that began in Poland four decades ago would not have taken place.
“Solidarność – Nie Ma Chleba Bez Wolności”
Wystawa ta, na 12 planszach, w zwięzły sposób opowiada o historii Solidarności i przybliża oblicze niezachwianego i niezłomnego sojusznika Solidarności, Stanów Zjednoczonych.