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taste of polonia

The Gentlemen of Leisure Band and Review, affectionately known as the ‘Gents,’ offer a musical smorgasbord to satisfy even the most discrete of palates.  YES!  They are back again for the Taste of Polonia Festival.  So popular!

From the top 40 to popular music, from Jazz to Hip-Hop, from Motown to the best of Pop, they do it all!   Their reputation and quality of music carry far in Chicago, an can be best described by their reviews.

See the video regarding their performance for the President Obama inaugural in Chicago below.

“Thank you for helping make my Chicago birthday celebration a wonderful success… It was a day I will treasure always and one so special it could have only happened in Chicago!”

Hillary Rodham Clinton

“More than 500 guests came to the wedding reception for “Star Wars” creator George Lucus and Chicago business woman Mellody Hobson . . . where Prince entertained the crowd. . .  the Gentlemen of Leisure band kept the 500 to 700 guests moving on the dance floor.”

 Allison Horton, Suntimes Staff Reporter, June 2013

The Gentlemen of Leisure Band is an icon whose purpose is to entertain by any means necessary.  They play the types of music that will please your senses and make your body more, while presenting a visual show for those who like to sit and enjoy.

The Gents and Ladies have been together forever. The band is comprised of a total of 15 pieces, which includes a dynamic brass section, a smoking rhythm section and the hottest female vocalists in Chicago.

The G.O.L.B. was the musical lure used to bring the 1996 democratic convention to Chicago.  The same tactic was used in San Diego for the republican convention.  The Gents represented the musical talent available in Chicago.  The band’s past clients include: Michael Jordan, Hillary Clinton, The Pritzkers, Governors Edgar and Ryan, Mayor Daley, The Mirage, Treasure Island and Belliago in Vegas.



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